Debate Club Salymbekov University

 The purpose of the debate club - development of critical thinking among students of Salymbekov University to solve various problems in professional activities and in practical life situations, i.e. those skills that traditional educational programs cannot provide or provide insufficiently.


  • teaching, as it contributes to the consolidation, updating of previously acquired knowledge, mastery of new knowledge, skills and abilities
  • developing, as it contributes to the development of intellectual, linguistic qualities, creative abilities. Debates develop logic, critical thinking, allow you to form a systemic vision of the problem, the presence of interconnections between events and phenomena, various aspects of their consideration
  • educational, as it contributes to the formation of a culture of dispute, tolerance, recognition of the plurality of approaches to solving the problem
  • communicative, since learning activity is carried out in interpersonal communication, learning takes place in the process of joint activity.

Benefits of debate technology:

  • formation of speech critical thinking of students
  • differentiation of the content of educational material,
  • ensuring the individualization of educational activities
  • variety of forms and teaching methods
  • formation of generalized practical skills of trainees