History of the Salymbekov University Institution
History Salymbekov University Institution begins from the moment the Ассоциации «Дордой» Dordoi Association was founded by the founder, philanthropist and public figure Askar Salymbekov. Since 1991, the development of the healthcare system and the preservation of the health of citizens has been one of the priority areas of activity. For this, a number of clinics and educational institutions are open and successfully functioning. So, in 2012, the Askar Salymbekov Foundation Public Foundation was founded, which successfully implemented a number of educational projects related to teaching schoolchildren and students, publishing books, holding international conferences, seminars and round tables and introducing a unique educational system of additional education. Unique projects are public schools «Young Leaders of Kyrgyzstan» for students, «Young Leaders of Kyrgyzstan» for high school students and «Future Leaders of Kyrgyzstan» for elementary school students. These projects have made it possible to educate and train more than 30,000 people. The success and high demand from students, schoolchildren, their parents and the public showed that the right path for the development of education was chosen and, based on this experience, a step was taken towards the creation of a higher educational institution "Young Leader of Kyrgyzstan" for students, "Juvenile Leaders of Kyrgyzstan" for high school students and Future leaders of Kyrgyzstan (7-10 years) These projects have made it possible to educate and train more than 30,000 people. The success and high demand from students, schoolchildren, their parents and the public showed that the right path for the development of education was chosen and, based on this experience, a step was taken towards the creation of a higher educational institution.
Thus, a direct continuation of previously successfully launched and implemented educational programs is the establishment of Salymbekov University (hereinafter referred to as the University) in 2019 to move to the next stage in the development of the education system through the introduction of modern technologies, methods and programs for the training of qualified and in-demand personnel. The long-term goal of the university is to reach the country’s population and attract foreign citizens to provide quality higher education in the following areas, such as:
- Medical sciences;
- Technical science;
- Экономикалык илимдер жана бизнес;
- Agricultural sciences.
С 2019 года Since 2019, the International Faculty of Medicine has been successfully functioning, having an advanced educational and clinical base, scientific laboratories, a strong resource base, modern curricula in English, Russian, qualified faculty in full compliance with the requirements of the state educational standard of the Kyrgyz Republic. From the day of its opening, the university pays special attention to the development and strengthening of the clinical base, its own clinics operate, providing a wide range of medical services, and students receive practical knowledge and skills:
- Doc University Clinic is a modern multidisciplinary 6-storey clinic located in the business center of Bishkek at the intersection of Timiryazev and Kievskaya streets. The clinic has 39 beds and is equipped with the most modern medical equipment. The work is carried out by professional medical personnel providing services in the following areas: general surgery, urology, cardiology, neurology, therapy, pediatrics, endoscopy, otorhinolaryngology, radiography, X-ray surgery, gynecology, endocrinology, dentistry, Functional diagnostics.
- Clinic"Lazmed" is a multidisciplinary medical center that has been successfully functioning since 2010, applying advanced laser medicine treatment developments and providing services in the following areas: laser medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, urology, diagnostics, general and plastic surgery. Clinic address: Shabdan batyr str., 3, Vladimir.
- Eye Microsurgery Center "Dordoi-Ophthalmic Service" is an ophthalmological clinic with 20 years of successful experience in high—quality treatment of eye diseases, enjoys well-deserved high trust among citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic and foreign citizens thanks to highly qualified personnel and advanced world equipment, such as the LEGACI ultrasonic phacoemulsifier manufactured in the USA with the latest technology. The address of the center: 3/4 Fuchika str., Bishkek.ы
- Medical Center "Dordoi Medical Park" is a modern medical clinic that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of therapeutic diseases on an outpatient basis in a day hospital. Center address: st. Shabdan baatyr, 3/1, Bishkek.
Dordoi Ophtalmik Service
- "DOS University Hospital" is a new modern polyclinic equipped with the necessary medical equipment for the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of medical diseases. Polyclinic address: 144 Bokonbayeva str., Bishkek.
In addition to the enhanced clinical base, since its foundation, the university has been paying special attention to equipping laboratory facilities, simulation and phantom centers. University students acquire practical skills in laboratories in microbiology, chemistry, biochemistry, histology and pathological anatomy, simulation and phantom centers.
Extracurricular activities include participation in sports events and competitions in the Dordoi-Sport sports complex, where students play football, mini-football, volleyball, basketball and table tennis. Students and teachers are also actively involved in scientific activities through regular participation in international and interuniversity conferences, meetings and seminars. So, in 2019, students and teachers took part in 4 interuniversity conferences based on the universities of the country. The Student Council is actively working to represent the interests of students.
Strengthening international relations and strengthening cooperation with local and foreign universities and clinics is one of the priorities. So, in 2019, an agreement was signed with a leading university in South Korea to open a joint faculty of information technology for high-quality training of technical specialists with the possibility of continuing education in South Korea and obtaining a double degree. Since its inception, the university has been on the list of the World Health Organization (WDOMS).
In 2020,the university switched to distance learning due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation.
In 2020 marked the transition of the university to distance learning due to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. In these conditions, the university quickly rebuilt the educational process to a distance form. The own educational platforms of the Ebilim information system, Google Classroom, Zoom, and Google Meet platforms were fully used. All staff have been trained to introduce distance learning into the educational process, instructions have been developed for students, teachers and administration in Russian and English, all conditions have been created for high-quality communication and the Internet, including the issuance of free SIM cards, departure of employees to the places of residence of students, online lectures and seminars.
In terms of international cooperation, following the visit of university representatives, memorandums of cooperation were signed with Istinye University (Istanbul, Turkey) and Liv Hospital and Gaziosmanpasha Hospital (Istanbul, Turkey). To enable graduates to continue their education in developed countries like the US and Canada, the university received sponsorship (Sponsor Notes) from the US International Medical Associations (ECFMG) and Canada.
After the negotiations, an agreement was signed with the Inha Technical College (Incheon, South Korea) on the implementation of joint educational programs in the field of technical specialties, including programming. To open a joint faculty of information technology, the building of the Salymbekov Business School was completely reconstructed. Using advanced technologies in construction and design, as well as taking into account the experience of the world’s leading IT schools, such as TUMO school and school 42, it is planned to create an open area (coworking center) for technical specialists.
The university constantly improves the qualifications of teachers and staff. English language courses were organized and paid for for teachers and employees with a volume of 400 academic hours, small groups of 2-4 people were formed. Trainings were held on personal growth for employees on the topics «Oratory», «Time Management», etc.
In order to motivate, the Regulation on conferring the title «Honorary Professor of Salymbekov University» was developed and approved. In 2020, the title of Honorary Professor of Salymbekov University was awarded to Dr. Ergun Cetinkaya, Turkey in honor of achievements in the field of pediatrics and endocrinology and MD, Professor Batyraliev Talantbek Abdullaevich, Kyrgyzstan for his contribution to the development of world cardiology and heart surgery .
To strengthen the scientific potential in 2020, the university took part in a multilateral project to obtain

SATREPS research grant in the direction of “The project for viral control through predictive prognostic factors” (Project to combat viruses using predictive factors) together with researchers from KSMA, Osh State University and Osaka University, Japan. Together with Liv Hospital, an online conference was held on the topic: «Causes and pathogenetic mechanisms of non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis» by teachers of the Department of Clinical Disciplines Knyazev I.A. and Peregudova O.V.
In 2021 In addition to providing high-quality knowledge and skills, the University actively strengthened its educational, clinical and resource base, strengthened international cooperation and developed scientific activities.
The main event was the successful completion of institutional accreditation by AAOPO (Accreditation Agency for the Evaluation of Educational Programs and Organizations). Based on the results of the accreditation, a decision was made to accredit the Salymbekov University Institution until 2026.
A successful admission campaign for the 2020-2021 academic year allowed us to expand the student body.
Клиникалык базаны тынымсыз өнүктүрүүнүн аркасында 2021-жылы өзүбүздүн клиникалык базабызды беш клиникага чейин кеңейтүү мүмкүн болду. дареги боюнча DOC университетинин клиникасын куруу жана пайдаланууга берүү: көч. Тимирязев, 78 жашта, ал кыска убакыттын ичинде ийгиликтүү диагностика жана операциялар боюнча алдыңкы жеке медициналык клиникалардын бирине айланды. Төмөндөгү аффилирленген клиникалар менен биргелешкен иш-аракеттер жөнүндө эксклюзивдүү келишимдер түзүлдү:
- Therapeutic and diagnostic center «Andromed-DOC» (Osh)
- Medical Center «Asia MED»; (Karakol city);
- Medical Diagnostic and Treatment Center «EOS PLUS»;
- Ambulance «EOS-Med»
In addition to strengthening the clinical base, the university constantly invests financial and human resources in updating the educational and laboratory facilities. Laboratory reagents and auxiliary equipment for classrooms are constantly purchased. An interactive panel Promethean ActivBoard Touch was purchased with installed software for a detailed study of human anatomy, physiology and pathological conditions. An equipped vivarium with laboratory animals for experiments and medical research was built.
In order to acquaint the public with the ongoing scientific activities, the university publishes its own journal, Bulletin of Medicine and Education. To strengthen its resource base, the university won a grant from the international organization Research4Life (WHO) with access to more than 139,000 books in addition to existing electronic and paper resources. The university constantly replenishes the library fund by acquiring, printing and subscribing to new books, magazines and publications. So, at the beginning of 2021, the university subscribed to the journals «Bulletin of KSMA» and the scientific and practical journal «Health of Kyrgyzstan».
In order to strengthen cooperation in the field of academic, scientific and cultural activities, agreements were also concluded with the following universities in 2021:
- Kyrgyz State Medical Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training named after S.B. Daniyarova (KSMIP&PK);
- Institute of advanced training and retraining of personnel named after. M.R. Rakhimova KSU them. I. Arabaeva (IPK and PC);
- Center for the Study of Languages and Personality Development (TsPORT) at the KEU. M.Ryskulbekova.
In order to acquaint the public with the ongoing scientific activities, the university publishes its own journal, Bulletin of Medicine and Education. Particular attention in 2021 was paid to the development of scientific activities, where the university was the organizer and took part in various (interuniversity and international) conferences and seminars. So, in August 2021, the university organized the international conference «Stars of Eurasia» together with the DOC University clinic, which was attended by urologists from Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Russia, Uzbekistan. An online olympiad was held in the cycle of humanities and natural sciences together with leading universities: KSMA them. I.Akhunbayeva, Ala-Too International University, Adam University and ISM (International Higher School of Medicine). In addition, the following joint conferences were held:
- international conference on reproductive medicine (August 2021);
- international scientific and practical conference «The role of ultrasound diagnostics and endoscopic technologies in solving problems of human reproduction» (November 2021);
- international scientific and practical conference «Science and practice as advanced training for doctors» (December 2021).
A seminar was held on the basis of IPK and PC named after M.R. Rakhimova «Techniques for motivating students to the learning process» in the amount of 72 hours (April 2021).
In 2022 the main objectives of the university are to strengthen international cooperation and strengthen the resource base.
In 2022, the constant strengthening of the resource base of the university continues. The university received access to one of the world’s largest publishing houses SAGE Publishing, which publishes more than 1000 magazines, books on medical, humanitarian and natural science topics every month. The university has access to De Gruyter resources, which includes a database of 210 journals in the academic and humanities.
Within the framework of the program of academic mobility and exchange of teaching methods for students, a visit of university representatives to Akfa University and the European Medical University (Tashkent) took place. Meetings and lectures were held for students, representatives got acquainted with the educational process and teaching methods. As a result of the meetings, agreements were signed with both universities on the development of academic mobility programs and the implementation of joint educational programs. Cooperation agreements were concluded with Adam University (BAFE) and Jalal-Abad State University named after. B. Osmonov for the joint development of academic and scientific activities, the exchange of students and teachers and the implementation of joint educational programs. Together with the Adam University (BAFE), a 3-week training is being held to study genetics using the example of crossing Drosophila flies with different mutations.
The scientific activity of the university is in a stage of constant development, in 2022 the university received access to the RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index), including access to the database of publications of Russian authors (more than 12 million publications) and more than 6,000 journals. Scientific conferences and seminars are held. In February 2022, the international conference «Neurology — the matriarchy of medicine» was held in order to attract the attention of the public and the scientific community to problems in neurology and psychiatry. An online lecture was held for students of the famous professor-oncologist, MD. Abdyldaeva R.A. «On the features of higher medical education in different countries of the world and Kyrgyzstan» to get acquainted with the specifics of higher education in foreign countries.
Together with TSPORT in April 2022, 72-hour courses on the topic «Pedagogy and psychology in the learning process» were held with the award of a certificate. The university paid for the training of 20 teachers of the Department of Clinical Disciplines. The Center also conducts courses for continuous improvement of the level of English.
An online lecture on oncology was held for teachers and students by the famous scientist Dr. Dinesh Pendharkar, President of the Indian Society of Oncology, Editor of the Indian Journal of Medical Pediatric Oncology, Chairman of the Internal Affairs Committee of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.
Also, in the current academic year, the following large-scale events were organized with the participation of government agencies and public organizations:
- competition "100 best students of Kyrgyzstan", among the best and active schoolchildren from all regions of the country, as a result of which the most active and successful schoolchildren were awarded special honorary diplomas of various degrees, badges, and also received books as a gift
- spring camp «Study Camp» to prepare secondary school graduates for the nationwide testing (ORT) with the participation of schoolchildren from seven regions;
- projects «League of Education» and «Bilim Kerbeni» for schoolchildren and students of the country, within the framework of which several career-guidance trainings on personal development were organized for students of the country;
- youth football tournament «Kelechek», organized on March 5 by the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy. The university supported the tournament and became the main sponsor of the event;
- chess tournament «Delicious Pawn» in the Trade House «Dordoi Plaza». More than 100 participants from all regions of the country took part in the tournament;
- branches of the Salymbekov Business School were opened in Chon-Alai and Toguz-Toro districts, as well as an innovative office of the Salymbekov University Institution in the secondary school named after. K. Mambetalieva in the At-Bashinsky district of the Naryn region with the financial, methodological and organizational support of the university;
- interuniversity debate tournament for the Salymbekov University Cup to discuss current events in society, broaden horizons, analyze and teach decision-making;
In May, it is planned to hold a large career guidance forum “The right profession is the key to the future” within the framework of the “Kelechek” platform of the Ministry of Culture, Information, Sports and Youth Policy of the Kyrgyz Republic together with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic for secondary school graduates.
The story continues…