General regulations
The Scientific and Technical Council is a permanent advisory body of Salymbekov University. In its activities, the NTS is guided by the regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic; the Charter of the University, this Regulation and other local regulations. The regulation on the NTS is approved by the decision of the Academic Council. The composition of the NTS is approved by the order of the rector for the academic year no later than September 30 on the proposal of the vice-rector for scientific work on the basis of proposals by the heads of departments. The decisions of the NTS on issues within its competence are advisory in nature.
Goals and objectives
The purpose of the STC is to organize and coordinate activities when considering issues related to the implementation of state policy in the field of science and technology; development and improvement of the level of scientific research and innovation activities carried out at the departments and other departments, increasing the efficiency of training scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification (doctors and candidates of sciences) and research work of students.
The main tasks of the NTS are:
- Development by University scientists of priority areas of science and technology, increasing the role of university science in accelerating scientific and technological progress, ensuring the effective use of the intellectual and scientific potential of the University, creating the necessary conditions for its stable development.
- Ensuring the priority development of fundamental and exploratory research in priority areas for the development of scientific research and work with intellectual property.
- Improvement of planning and organizational forms of research work, etc.
- Development of proposals and measures for the preservation of the scientific potential of the University, the development of scientific and pedagogical teams, for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel of the highest qualification (doctors and candidates of sciences).
- Assistance to integration processes between the University and scientific organizations.
- Promoting the development of research work of students.
- Development of proposals and measures for information support of scientific research.
- Preparation of proposals and recommendations on the use of research results in the educational process.
- Analysis and evaluation of the main results of scientific research and development carried out at the University.
- Preparation of proposals for the creation and reorganization of scientific and innovative structures, the renewal of scientific equipment.
1. Toktogazy Moldalievich Tulekeev, MD, prof. – chairman;
2. Uzakbaev Kamchibek Askarbekovich, MD, prof. – deputy chairman;
3. Imankulova Asel Sansyzbaevna, MD, prof. – scientific secretary;
– Zhumadilov Esengeldi Zhumadilovich, PhD,
– Zhumadilov Esengeldi Zhumadilovich, PhD,
– Abdyldaev Rysbek Aldagandaevich, MD, prof.
– Atikanov Arystanbek Orozalyevich, MD, prof.
– Monolov Nurbek Chynbekovich MD, prof.
– Umetalieva Maana Nurdinovna, PhD., Assoc.
– Tolubaeva Munara Zholchuevna, PhD.,
– Bilgazyev Emil Bilgazyevich PhD.,
– Kazakov Avaz Asanovich,
– Junushalieva Nurzat Manasovna.
– Mazekova Nazgul Zholochievna, Ph.D., Assoc.
– Tokusheva Tolobubu Sagynbekovna F.I.C., Assoc.
– Malkawi Malik Mohammad PhD.,
– Sarlykov Bekbolot Kanatbekovich PhD.,
– Representatives of the Council of Young Scientists,
– Representatives of the Student Scientific Association.