Development Council of the Institution “Salymbekov University”

In order to create a collegial advisory and advisory body and to implement the decision of the founders of the Institution "Salymbekov University" dated 25.12.2019, the Council for the Development of the Institution "Salymbekov University" was established.

Chairman of the Development Council

Салымбеков Аскар Мааткабылович mainAskar Salymbekov  — public figure and philanthropist, Honorary President of the Dordoi Association, founder of the Public Foundation "Askar Salymbekov Fund” for the implementation of educational, scientific, charitable, patriotic and environmental projects that have a great positive impact on the younger generation and youth.

In 2019, on his initiative, the Institution “Salymbekov University” was established, the main goal of which is to provide quality education using international technologies and standards for both Kyrgyz citizens and foreign citizens. An important factor in the creation of the University was the need to create a common platform for combining all projects and created activities into one single center for more effective management and control, as well as for the possibility of introducing high-quality affordable education for all categories of citizens.

Аскар Салымбеков на постоянной основе оказывает финансовую помощь и поддержку социально уязвимым слоям населения, медицинским и социальным учреждениям, спортсменам, студентам, деятелям культуры и искусства. В их числе Южный Региональный Научный Центр Сердечно-сосудистой Хирургии (ЮРНЦССХ) при Министерстве здравоохранения КР, общественный фонд «Үмүт Шамы» (строительство Центра для слабовидящих людей), создание художественных и документальных фильмов, издание книг и монографий, организация археологических раскопок, обучение одаренных студентов, а также многое другое.

Composition of the Development Council

Батыралиев Талантбек Абдуллаевич

Talantbek Batyraliev – President of the Association of Medical Workers of the Kyrgyz Republic, Professor, MD, current member of the American College of Cardiology. Specialist in angioplasty, one of the safest methods of treatment of coronary heart disease and prevention of myocardial infarction. Graduated with honors from the KSMI im.Akhunbayeva. Then there was postgraduate study in Moscow at the All-Union Cardiology Research Center and the defense of a PhD thesis and a doctoral thesis. Today, Talantbek Batyraliev is among the top five best cardiologists in the world.

Talantbek Abdullayevich is the head of the Executive Directorate of the Development Council.

His achievements are recognized by the largest international medical organizations, where he is a full member. He has written more than 200 scientific papers and several monographs.



Эшмамбетов Азисбек Эшмамбетович

Azisbek Eshmambetov – Ophthalmologist-surgeon. A doctor of the highest category. Excellent student of healthcare KR. The founder in 1995 and the general director of the Medical Center for Eye Microsurgery "Dordoi-Ophthalmic Service" and the only laboratory in Central Asia for the manufacture of individual eye prostheses.







professorProfessor Jung Ho Kim – Head of the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Inha University, Incheon, Korea. Professor Jung Ho Kim is a recognized expert in the field of political science, who received a PhD from Inha University, Korea. Professor Jung Ho Kim is a strategic partner of the University in the opening of a joint IT faculty between the Institution “Salymbekov University" and Inha University.








 Professor, Dr. Amiya Bhaumik, President, Malaysia Amiya Bhaumik, President of Lincoln University College, Malaysia. He is the founder of the university, vice-chancellor of Lincoln University College. Dr. Bhaumik is the Executive Vice President for International Education.
Consulting Group, St. Louis, USA since 1999 Dr. Amiya Bhaumik was a research fellow at UNESCO, Paris. During this time, Dr. Bhaumik
He traveled a lot in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. He has worked as a Professor of Business Administration at Lucknow University of India and at the University of Malaya and many other places. Dr. Amiya Bhaumik is a very famous person. Dr. Bhaumik was awarded the prestigious BCM Award (BINTANG CEMERLANG MELAKA) from the Government of Melaka, Malaysia. He is the author of numerous book chapters and has a huge number of publications in many national and international journals. He has also edited several books.



Professor Carl Erb, PhD
As in previous years, our glaucoma expert Professor Karl Erb was recognized by FOCUS magazine as one of the best doctors in Germany in 2019. For the eighth time in a row, Professor Karl Erb, PhD, has received this award. In addition, in 2019 he received an award as a glaucoma specialist. The award confirms that patients receive first-class medicine from leading ophthalmologists.

Professor Erb studied medicine at the Ruhr University Bochum, the Free University of Berlin and the Royal Preston Hospital in England. From 2005 to 2011, he was the chief physician at Schlosspark-Klinik Berlin, Department of Ophthalmology. He is an APL professor at Charité Berlin (since 2006).

Since 2011, he has been a specialist in the treatment of glaucoma at the Eye Clinic in the Center of the Ring.

He has been a member of the German Ophthalmological Society since 2002, where he has been vice-president of the Glaucoma Section since 2010.



Hideo ShinagawaProfessor Hideo Shinagawa – Recognized world expert in microbiology and general biology, Professor at Osaka University, Japan, founder and President of Bioacademy Corporation. Professor Hideo Shinagawa provides invaluable consulting services to the University and is a strategic partner of the University.






Рысбек Алдагандаевич


Rysbek Abdyldaev – Vice-Rector for Advanced Programs and Research, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.