The implementation of internal monitoring of the quality of education is carried out on the basis of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and regulatory legal acts of the university that regulate the implementation of all procedures for monitoring and assessing the quality of education.

The subject of assessment within the framework of monitoring and analysis of the education quality management system are:

- educational and extracurricular achievements of students;

- qualifications and performance of teaching staff;

– competence and efficiency of employees;

- the quality of educational and methodological documentation and learning technologies;

– implementation and quality of educational programs.

The education quality management system is based on a combination of the following evaluation procedures:

– internal evaluation procedures;

– external evaluation procedures.

Education quality assessment is carried out through the following internal and external procedures:

  • internal control systems:
  • public examination of the quality of education;
  • licensing;
  • state accreditation;
  • state (final) certification of graduates;
  • monitoring the quality of education.

The sources of data for assessing the quality of education are:

  • educational statistics;
  • current and final certification;
  • monitoring studies;
  • sociological polls:
  • reports of university employees;
  • посещение уроков и внеклассных мероприятий.