About the Career Development Center of the Institution “Salymbekov University”
The Salymbekov University Institution has a Career Development Center that brings together students, graduates and employers, assists in the professional orientation of students and graduates and helps them build a successful career.
The goals of the Career Development Center:
- promotion of employment and employment of students and graduates;
- providing information and consulting support to students and graduates in building a successful career, professional growth and development;
- development of business and other relations with companies-employers.
The main activities of the Career Development Center:
- provision of services aimed at employment of students and graduates;
- organization of round tables, seminars, conferences and trainings on employment and career building;
- organization of students' internship with potential employers;
- holding consultations for students on how to build a successful career;
- organizing and holding competitions to identify the best students.
The Career Development Center offers students:
- advising on professional and personal growth: preparation for professional selection in companies, advice on writing a resume, psychological orientation to a particular field of activity;
- information about vacancies and internships for entry-level positions in leading companies from employers, recruitment agencies and alumni;
- participation in company presentations and career days, job fairs;
- participation in meetings with partners, heads of HR departments;
- participation in information and educational events that reveal the ways of successful career building: seminars, trainings, round tables, etc.;
- useful information and constant help in the Career Center and on the website.
The Career Development Center offers graduates:
- vacancies and internships in medium and top (requiring experience) positions in leading companies;
- posting information about vacancies in their companies;
- holding presentations of their companies;
- participation in alumni meetings;
- the opportunity to share experience with students through participation in information and educational programs of the Center.
In order to organize interaction between the Career Development Center and employers at different levels, the Career Development Center offers:
- posting information about vacancies on the website and at the stands;
- conducting information and educational programs (seminars, lectures, round tables, competitions, etc.) with a preliminary selection of students;
- assistance in the search and selection of personnel: primary selection by resume, collection of recommendations and characteristics for selected students or graduates, conducting initial interviews with candidates, developing individual candidate selection programs;
- information support of company events;
- participation in conferences organized by the Career Center for students and graduates;
Regulations on the Career Development Center
Job description of a specialist of the career development center of the SU institution