General regulations
SSS- Student Scientific Society
CYS - Council of Young Scientists
SRWS - Scientific - research work of students
1.1 Student Scientific Society Institution "Salymbekov University" (hereinafter referred to as SSS) is a public organization that unites on a voluntary basis students of the University who show a penchant for scientific, organizational and research work, actively participating in scientific, organizational and research work, members of student scientific circles of departments .
1.2 Any student of the University who is engaged in research work as part of a scientific circle (seminar, working group, etc.) or individually participates in the preparation of reports, abstracts, communications, and scientific research has the right to be a member of the SSS.
1.3 The activity of SSS is supervised by the Council of Young Scientists (SMU) of the University and builds its work in cooperation with the Council for Research and Development of the University, deputy deans of faculties in science and departments and other structural divisions of the University.
1.4 SSS carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, the Charter of the University, orders of the rector, vice-rectors, orders of the SMU, these Regulations and documents adopted in accordance with it.
1.5 SSS carries out its activities on the principles of self-government, open nature of activities, voluntariness, equality, legitimacy, the spirit of mutual respect and the culture of scientific communication between students.
1.6 SSS in accordance with these Regulations may join international public associations, acquire rights and bear obligations corresponding to the status of these international public associations, maintain international contacts and communications, conclude agreements with foreign non-profit non-governmental educational and scientific associations, foreign educational institutions and scientific institutions .
Composition of the Student Scientific Society:
- Hamza Muhammad – Gm-1-19
- Mahnoor – GM-1-19
- Ali Muhammad – GM-2-19
- Iqbal Muhammad Ahmad – GM-2-19
- Hamza Muhammad – GM-4-19
- Haider Muhammd Safeer – GM-4-19
- Khan Saqibullah – GM-5-19
- Umer Muhammad – GM-7-19
- But Sohira Naz – GM-7-19
- Hussain Naveed – GM-8-19
- Muhammad Ilyas – GM-9-19
- Wajeeh-ul-Hassan GM-10-19
- Khan Ibragim GM-11-19
- Durraiz Md – GM-1-20
- Arif Md Abdullah – GM-2-20
- Shehzad Md Hussnain – GM-3-20
- Waqar Alam – GM-5-20
- Faisal Khan – GM-6-20
- Sheraz Ali – GM-7-20
- Muhammad Waqar – GM-8-20