Medical clinic of laser medicine «LASMED»

Лазмед коллектив


The modern medical clinic of laser medicine "Lazmed" was founded in 2010 and is aimed at providing high-quality medical services to the population. This organization is a leading medical institution under Salymbekov University.

Шалтакова Гулбу Чаловна
Shaltakova Gulbu Chalovna


Shaltakova Gulbu Chalovna

founder of the clinic

surgeon, candidate of medical sciences, highly qualified doctor in laser medicine

The clinic has a modern operating department, a post-operative department for 7 people, a dressing room, an intern, a massage room, a treatment room, and rooms for doctors with specialties such as gynecologist, ENT, urologist, dermatocosmetologist, house nurse.





  • Equipment for gynecology
  • Calboscopes
  • Vacuum roller massage device
  • Laparoscopic device for providing operative surgical access
  • Laser for removal of warts, papilloma, condyloma
  • Device for artificial lung ventilation
  • Defibrillator and many other things

The Lazmed medical clinic is equipped with modern medical equipment,

including such equipment as:

The modern medical clinic of laser medicine «Lazmed» was founded in 2010 with a focus on providing high-quality professional medical services to the population, as this organization is an advanced medical institution at Salymbekov University.

On the basis of the clinic, there is a modern operating unit, a postoperative ward designed for 7 people, a dressing room, an intern's room, a massage room, a treatment room and doctors' offices with specializations such as a gynecologist, ENT, urologist, dermatologist, cosmetologist, hostess.



Laser surgery

The unique properties of laser radiation help in the fight against both aesthetic imperfections, like warts or moles, and complex diseases, like hallux valgus.

 Laparoscopic Surgery

A new method in surgery, which allows for surgical intervention on internal organs through small holes of 0.5 - 1.5 cm. This method makes it possible to perform a better operation with minimal tissue damage, due to which the patient recovers faster and is discharged from the hospital for the next day.

Plastic surgery

Plastic surgery allows you to adjust the shape of the nose, ears, eyebrows, chin, lips. 

With the help of precise surgery, patients permanently get rid of nasolabial folds and drooping eyelids. The Lazmed Clinic also actively practices plastic surgeries to eliminate wrinkles and body shaping. Here, foot deformities of various levels of complexity are treated up to a complete cure.

Diagnosis and treatment of various skin diseases

Diagnostics involves a comprehensive examination and an individual approach to each problem in the field of dermatology. At the treatment stage, the most effective individual therapy methods are selected (including medications, physiotherapy and laser treatment methods).

Treatment of diseases of the ear, throat, nose

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, due to the anatomical proximity of the affected organs to the brain, are quite dangerous for humans.

Department of Urology

In the Clinic "Lazmed" you can solve a number of issues related to urology. We carry out complex conservative treatment, which includes traditional treatment, taking into account sensitivity to antibiotics and low-intensity laser therapy. 15 видов массажа. Мануальная терапия – это лечение руками опорно-двигательного аппарата, болезней позвоночника и суставов, головных болей, нарушений осанки, дисбаланса в работе внутренних органов. Это одно из древнейших направлений медицины, однако, наибольшее развитие оно получило только к концу 19 века.



3D/4D ultrasound

On 3D ultrasound, the fetus is visible on the screen as voluminous as in real life. On 4D ultrasound, it is possible to see in real time in the form of a three-dimensional image of the movement of the fetus, his smile, yawning, thumb sucking. During an ultrasound examination, a color Doppler study is performed, with which you can see the blood flow of the heart, the respiratory movements of the fetus, and also assess the condition of the fetus.

On the basis of the clinic of laser medicine "Lazmed" there is an office of modern laboratory diagnostics. It is ready to offer its patients a wide range of laboratory and diagnostic services.

Department of Gynecology

The Lazmed Laser Medicine Center has a professional women's consultation, as well as advanced treatment of various gynecological diseases.


The general practitioner is most often consulted for primary care and to determine the disease. Based on the patient's complaints, his medical history and tests, the therapist prescribes drugs or procedures that will help to cope with the disease. Also, the therapist can give a referral to a narrower specialist to solve the problem.

Оборудование лазмед
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_C0B7060 Оборудование лазмед о клинике4 о клинике6 _C0B7121 о клинике2 о клинике8 кампус_клиника2 о клинике3 _C0B7117 _C0B7112 _C0B7079 _C0B7067 _C0B7098 _C0B7062 _C0B7075

Contact details:

Bishkek, md. Kok-Zhar st. April 7 3/1
ул. 7 апреля 3/1



+996 (312) 88‒13‒46

+996 (774) 88-13-46

Link to the map in 2Gis