




Regulations on the university of the Kyrgyz Republic

Regulations on the procedure for filling positions of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions

Labor Code of the Kyrgyz Republic

Normative-legal acts of the university

Charter of the University

Registration certificate

University structure

Regulations of the Department of Financial and Economic Affairs

Regulations on the financial and economic department

Regulations on the Department of Development and Quality of Education

Regulations on the department of affairs management

Regulations on the department

Regulations on supervision

Regulations on the medical center

Regulations on the International Department

Regulations on the Modular-Rating System of Education

Regulation on Research Activities

Regulations on the procedure for transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students

Regulations on the admissions committee

Admission Rules 2019-2020

Regulations on the International Faculty of Medicine

Regulations on the Appeal Commission

Regulations on UMO

Regulations on the Academic Council of SU

Regulations on the Institution of Salymbekov University

Regulations on the examination committee

University internal labor regulations

Student Council Regulations

Regulations on the questioning of students to assess the quality of educational services provided

Site Regulation

Regulations on advanced training of the teaching staff of SU

Regulations on the educational and methodological complex of the discipline SU

Regulations on the procedure for granting academic leave

Regulations on social support of students

Regulations on the cut of knowledge of SU students

Regulations on academic mobility in SU

Regulations on the procedure for filling positions

Regulations on the department of scientific research

Regulations on the student scientific society

Regulations on the Council of Young Scientists (2)

Regulations on the Appeal Commission

Regulations on the attestation commission

Regulations on the examination committee

Regulations on the procedure for transfer, expulsion and reinstatement of students

Regulations on the European Diploma Supplement

УМС жөнүндө жобо

Regulations on the “Confidence Box” for written applications from students, parents and employees of the SU

Regulations on the motivational fund of SU

Regulations "On the quality management system of education of the Institution "Salymbekov University""

Regulations on the procedure for recruiting and hiring

Regulations on the International Faculty of Medicine

Regulations on the Academic Council of SU

Regulations on the department

Regulations on the Department of Licensing and Monitoring

Questionnaire for teaching staff

Questionnaire for students

Регламент премирования сотрудников СУ за публикации в рейтинговых (рецензируемых) научных изданиях

Extract from the minutes of the questionnaire

Жаш окумуштуулар жонундо жобо

MEP - 5 years

MEP - 6 years


Job descriptions of employees

Rectors JD

Vice-rector for educational work JD

Job description of Vice-Rector for External Relations and Development

Job description of the vice-rector for state language and science

Job description of the vice-rector for clinical work

Job description of the head of the department for development and quality of education

Job description of a specialist in QMS of the Department of development and quality of education

Job description of the dean of the faculty

Job description of the associate professor of the department

Job description UMO

Job description of the head of the department

Job description of a specialist of the career development center of the SU institution

Job description of the scientific secretary of the Academic Council

Job description of the chief accountant of the SU

Job description of the professor of the department

Job description of the senior teacher of the department

Job description of the teacher of the department

Job description of the commandant of the economic service of educational buildings

Job description of the laboratory assistant of the department

Instructions for conducting the final control of knowledge of students studying in the credit system

Office work instruction

ОПОП 6лет

ОПОП 5 лет

СУ стратегиялык планы

Regulations on the Career Development Center

Regulations on the “Confidence Box” for written applications from students, parents and employees of the SU

Regulations on supervision

Akt SanEpid, Sport complex, 2021

Passport of study room 219

Student Council Regulations

Act SanEpid, University, 2021

Act SanEpid, Lazmed 2021

General accident prevention technics in the laboratory of Medical blology

ТБ мед.физика на англ

ТБ биохимии на англ

General safety rules in the microbiology laboratory

General safety rules in the laboratory of medical biology

ТБ лаборатории биохимии

Fire safety, Lazmed

Regulations on social support of students

Act of SanEpid Canteen University

Regulation on research activities

Passport of study room 219

Module, exam department. MBD SU (1)

SU Library Fund

For teachers

Evaluation fund

Evaluation fund 2 


Competition Commission

Order on the composition of the competition commission

Young teacher work plan