Department of «General educational disciplines»

 Department of «General educational disciplines» is a structural subdivision of the International IT College and business, carrying out educational, methodical, scientific and educational work. Teachers of the department are qualified specialists, professionals and masters of their business. The main task of the department is to implement the educational and educational process in the disciplines assigned to the department in accordance with the State ACT of the Kyrgyz Republic and the approved curriculum and work plans of the department and college. The Department of General Education is actively introducing interactive forms of education into the practice of teaching.

Batrakeeva Gulina Ebishevna - Head of the Department of «General Educational Disciples»

Батракеева Гулина

Courses taught: Chemistry. Biology.

Labor activity:: Worked as a consultant for the Asian Development Bank project "ESDP". Columbia University, Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic. Since 2018 he has been an expert trainer in chemistry of the Evaluation Centre in education and teaching methods, an expert on accreditation of educational organizations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the accreditation agency "Zapatuu bilim".

She was a senior lecturer in chemistry at the Mining and Mining Technology Institute. U.Asanalieva, UVC of the International University of Innovative Technologies, Deputy Director for Educational and Methodical Work of the College of Innovative Technologies and Economics.




Aliyarova Mukaddas Yuldashevna

Алиярова Мукаддас ЮлдашевнаCourses taught: English

Education: Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Intercultural Communication. Specialty: Linguist - translator, 2012-2017.

English teacher for students of International College IT and Business Institution «Salymbekov University».



Arykov Daniyar Kanybekovich

Арыков Данияр КаныбековичCourses taught: Preliminary training for young people

Education: He graduated in 1999 from the Faculty of Pre-vocational Training and Physical Culture of the Kyrgyz State Academy in the specialty «Teacher of pre-vocational training and physical culture». The military service was held in the ranks of the Border Service of the State Committee of National Security of the Kyrgyz Republic on officers, including senior positions. For excellent service was awarded with badges «Excellent Guard» I and II degree, medals «Karegimde Meken chegi», «For difference in the protection of the state border» I and II degree. He was trained in military accounting specialty in the Czech Republic and the Arab Republic of Egypt.

Work experience: Teacher of English at the Faculty of «Curative Business» of the Asian Medical Institute named after S. Tentishev, t. Kant. Teacher of English courses for teaching staff and administration of the Asian Medical Institute. S. Tentishev.


Kurbanbayeva Nurgul Toktoshevna

Курбанбаева Нургуль ТоктошевнаCourses taught: Russian, Russian and world literature

Education: Kyrgyz State Pedagogical University named after I. Arabaev, 2000. 2003 - 2015 Senior Lecturer of the Department "General Educational and Humanities" of the Institute of Management, Business and Tourism at MUC.

Advanced training: "Pedagogical Skills of a Teacher of a Higher School", "Content of Education in a Modern University and Modern Educational Technologies", "Formation of Professional Qualities of a University Teacher in the Processing and Transmission of Educational Information ", " Communication focus in modern educational technologies, "Ethics of relationships" Teacher - student "as a factor of improving the quality of education"


Mazekova Nazgul Zholochievna

Academic degree, title: Kyrgyz language Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor. Best of education.

Education: Issyk-Kul State University. K. Tynystanov, specialty: Kyrgyz language and literature (with honours) 1996-1999: postgraduate studies

Specialization: Kyrgyz language (distance learning) 2002-2005: Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law in Bishkek

Labor activity:: Korea Institute in Central Asia - Vice-Chancellor of Science;

Director of the information and publishing center «Ilim» of the Academy of National Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic;

1st Vice-Rector of Chu University, Head of the Department of Kyrgyz Language and Literature, Professors;

Deputy Director of the Bishkek Mining and Technical College;

Nominee «Pillar of Reason» of the Foundation «Progressive Initiatives»;


Pirimbaeva Zharkyn Zhusopzhanovna

Пиримбаева Жаркын ЖусупжановнаPhD in History Senior Lecturer

Courses taught:

World history. History of Kyrgyzstan. Man and society. Manasology.




Toktoraliev Erkinbek Torobekovich

Academic degree, title:  Ph.D., associate professor

Токторалиев Эркинбек ТоробековичCourses taught  Geography, Geography of Kyrgyzstan

He is a developer and participant of several republican and international projects. «International cooperation of Universities of Europe, China, Central Asia to protect the land from degradation». IS and GT. Acad. U.Asanalieva /Italy - 2015-2018. «Geolandscape research on land degradation of Issyk-Kul region» Kyrgyz Institute of Mineral Resources, 2016. ; «Project of implementation of rational use of rangelands of the Naryn region» Department of Science of KR, 2016; Use of GIS for analysis of emergency situations in Central Asia/Sweden, 2017. ; «Soil and environmental assessment of land resources of Issyk-Kul region . "Circular economy, climate warming and clean energy " Reginal center of Expertise Kyrgyzstan, 2022; "Green economy" GIZ, 2022.