General regulations
This Regulation on the Educational and Methodological Department of Salymbekov University determines the main tasks, functions, structure of the Educational and Methodological Department (AMD), the rights and obligations of employees, as well as the procedure for organizing activities. The educational and methodological department carries out its activities in cooperation with other structural divisions of the university. In its activities, the educational and methodological department is guided by the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Education” dated April 30, 2003 No. 92, the Decree of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic dated May 29, 2012 No. 346, the regulation on the educational organization of higher professional education of the Kyrgyz Republic dated February 3, 2004 No. 53 and this Regulation. The Educational and Methodological Department is an independent specialized structural subdivision of the University, which carries out planning, coordination, control of the implementation of the educational process and educational and methodological work at the University, and is directly subordinate to the rector.
Structure and interaction with other structural units
The Educational and methodological department is headed by the head, who is appointed by the order of the rector of the university. The head of the department organizes his activities and employees of the UMO in accordance with the main tasks and functions of the department, regulations on divisions, as well as job descriptions of employees. The staffing of the UMO is determined by the rector of the university and approved in the staffing table based on the effectiveness of achieving the goals and solving the tasks facing the department. In its activities, the educational and methodological department interacts with all structural divisions of the university, based on the tasks, functions and powers assigned to it.
Goals and objectives of the UMO activity
The main purpose of the activity of the educational and methodological department of the university is to increase the efficiency of work at the university on the implementation of the main professional educational programs of higher education. The main tasks of the educational and methodological department are:
- organization and management of educational and methodological activities of the university for the implementation of the main professional educational programs in the field of vocational education;
- monitoring the implementation of licensing and accreditation requirements for the implementation of educational programs developed on the basis of the state educational standard of higher professional education;
- control over the implementation of the educational process, the implementation of curricula and regulatory documents on the organization of training;
- improving and improving the efficiency of the educational process and the quality of training;
- coordination of academic and methodological work of the university teaching staff;
- planning and organization of professional development of teaching staff;
- participation in the development of curricula of all types of educational programs and control over their implementation;
- participation in the development of qualification characteristics of specialists, curricula of disciplines, work plans for the next academic year;
- drawing up the schedule of the educational process and monitoring its implementation;
- checking the correctness of the calculation of the teaching load and the formation of the staff schedule of teaching staff;
- providing conditions to meet the needs of students in acquiring their professional knowledge;
- planning, organization and control of the educational process in all forms of education;
- development and communication to the structural divisions of the university of local regulatory documents, organizational and methodological materials related to various aspects of the educational process;
- introduction of information and communication, personality-oriented, modular technologies based on competencies and other innovative technologies into the educational process;
- continuous improvement of normative and methodological documentation regulating educational progress.