Кунасова Мээрим Таалайбековна
Head of the Student Personnel Department - Kunasova Meerim Taalaibekovna

The Student Personnel Department is a structural subdivision of the Salymbekov University Institution and carries out work with regulatory and administrative documents, orders and regulations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic and the University on documentary support for recording the movement of students and brings the main points to the attention of educational structural units.

The main function of the student personnel department is: 

  • intra-university implementation of documentation support for students;
  • reports on the movement of the contingent of students;
  • filling in statistical reporting forms;
  • entering data on the contingent of students into an automated database.

The head of the Student Personnel Department is Kunasova Meerim Taalaibekovna, a recognized specialist and expert with extensive experience in educational institutions.