Salymbekov University announces a vacancy for several positions at the International Faculty of Medicine:
- Судебная медицина (англ)
- Психиатрия и наркология (англ)
- Медицинская психология (англ)
- Психология (русс. яз.)
• Work experience is desirable
• Знание английского языка
• Salary to be discussed during the interview
• Registration according to the Labor Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
Contact details:
Send your CV to
telephones: 0706 666 019, Umetalieva Maana Nurdinovna, Dean
Thank you for your attention!
Салымбеков Университет объявляет о вакансии на несколько позиций
в филиал г. Нарын:
-преподаватель биологии;
-преподаватель химии;
-преподаватель физики.
Высшее профильное образование (химия, физика, биология, смежные дисциплины)
• Work experience is desirable
• Отличное знание кыргызского и русского языков, английский язык приветствуется.
График работы: 08:00-18:00
• Salary to be discussed during the interview
• Registration according to the Labor Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
Тип занятости: полное время
Contact details:
Резюме высылать на почту (с обязательной пометкой «вакансия г. Нарын»)
phones: 0557 56 95 25
Thank you for your attention!
Salymbekov University announces a vacancy for several positions at the International Faculty of Medicine:
1. Pathological physiology
2. Medical biology, genetics, parasitology (English)
3. Evidence-based medicine (English)
3. Evidence-based medicine (English)
5. Basic and clinical pharmacology (in English)
6. General hygiene (in English)
7. Medical psychology (in English)
8. Детские болезни (на англ.язык)
9. Психиатрия и наркология (на англ.язык)
10. Дерматовенерология (на англ.язык)
Higher profile education in the field of medicine
• Work experience is desirable
• Excellent knowledge of English
• Salary to be discussed during the interview
• Registration according to the Labor Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
Contact details:
Send your CV to
telephones: 0706 666 019, Umetalieva Maana Nurdinovna, Dean
0702 191 404, Арзиева Назгуль, заместитель декана
Thank you for your attention!
Salymbekov University announces a vacancy for several positions at the International Faculty of Medicine:
- Head of Student Personnel Department
Higher education, preferably in the field of medicine
- • Work experience is desirable
- Computer skills, knowledge of AVN, Ebilim and other information systems is desirable
• Salary to be discussed during the interview
• Registration according to the Labor Code of the Kyrgyz Republic
Contact details:
Send your CV to
telephones: 0706 666 019, Umetalieva Maana Nurdinovna, Dean
0702 191 404, Арзиева Назгуль, заместитель декана
Thank you for your attention!