12 декабря прошел первый межуниверситетский конкурс «ЦЕЛИТЕЛИ», где принимали участие и наши студенты медицинского факультета. Мероприятие проводилось по инициативе AMSA-KG при поддержке Студенческого совета Международной Высшей Школы Медицины (МВШМ).
Целью являлось: Укрепление связи между студентами-медиками разных университетов и расширение интересов и навыков студентов.
Teams from 8 universities competed on the basis of clinical skills (interpretation of ECG and radiological images, neonatal resuscitation and therapeutic skills, which included physical examination, percussion, palpation and auscultation)
On December 12, the first Inter University Competition “HEALERS” was held, where our students of the Faculty of Medicine also took part. The event was initiated by AMSA-KG with the support of the Student Council of the International Higher School of Medicine (IHSM).
The goal was: Strengthening the connection between medical students of different universities and expanding the interests and skills of students.
Teams from 8 universities competed on the basis of clinical skills (interpretation of ECG and radiological images, neonatal resuscitation and therapeutic skills, which included physical examination, percussion, palpation and auscultation)