Our international medical student Arshad Sayeda Farwa received her first degree diploma at the Intercollegiate Scientific Conference dedicated to World AIDS Day. The conference was held at ADAM University.
The scientific conference on behalf of Salymbekov University was attended by:
Аршад Сайеда Фарва – СПИД у беременной женщины.
Аршад Сайед Рехман- Вирус папилломы человека и нарушения микрофлоры влагалища у ВИЧ-инфицированных женщин.
Мухаммед Аддас- Элитные контролеры ВИЧ: преимущества и клинические перспективы.
Поздравляем Фарву с победой и желаем новых научных достижений.
Our international medical student Arshad Sayeda Farwa received her first degree diploma at the Intercollegiate Scientific Conference dedicated to World AIDS Day. The conference was held at ADAM University.
The scientific conference on behalf of Salymbekov University was attended by:
Arshad Sayed Farva – AIDS in a pregnant woman.
Arshad Syed Rehman – Human papillomavirus and disorders of the vaginal microflora in HIV-infected women.
Mohammed Addas – Elite HIV Controllers: Benefits and Clinical Perspectives.
We congratulate Farva on her victory and wish her new scientific achievements.